Releasing Trauma

through bodywork, breath & movement

What kind of trauma do you work with?

all kinds…….emotional , physical, lineage
all size….
all trauma we’re aware, not aware of~ from ancestral lineage, negative touch, family of origin patterning

What is your approach? (or How do you work with trauma?)

All sessions, all modalities offered are based on consent & compassionate care
Through the body
Intuitively … followings hands
Often therapeutic touch of all kinds mends a bridge toward embodiment, releasing restrictions & crossing the river to embodiment without leading someone back into a triggering story. I use Maya Abdominal Massage, spirit mending via Maya folk tradition & supporting emotional release techniques from the craniosacral lineage.

In any session I tend toward firm & gentle touch & following my hands for they know more. Meeting the tension in the system allows the tissue, the body & the storybook held within the cellular matrix to be noticed. And that noticing, validating tension existence, recognition that something is there is frequently a coiling cord returning a person deeply within to their greater cosmic connection.

Tears, emotions, sounding welcome
Sensitive, I follow your lead. If you need to stop, we stop, take pause, work on another aspect of body or different modality, whatever resonates & feels safe for you. This is always your session.
Witness, I’m not naming things for you. I’m a guide hearing you & chiming in when you call

How long does it take?

Depends. Sometimes it’s one session & often unwinding happens over a period of time.

INFO Section - about Emotional Armor Bands

As many are aware, emotions & lineage trauma may get trapped in the physical system showing up as structural restrictions, physical dis- ease, emotional & mental distress, spiritual bewilderment as feelings of loss/lack of connection to oneself, family &/or community.

We may hold emotional & mental history (our own & our family of origin) on the cellular system unknowingly for the purpose of surviving, simply for the need to carry on with daily tasks to protect ourselves, & more.

Wilhelm Reich called 7 rings that wind round the body (similar to chakra system but not exactly it), emotional armor bands. He noticed & referred to emotions as electrical currents that either pass through the system or get sticky & stuck. Later potentially showing up as ailments hindering health. He used therapeutic touch to spark memories, disrupt patterned defense mechanisms & eliminate muscular tension.

I also use Supporting Emotional Release techniques from the lineage of craniosacral & my mentor & teacher, Carol Gray.

When we care for ourselves, we care for the whole flock. We positively impact & effect our cellular system, affecting change for our ascendants & descendants 7- 9 years up the ladder & down the ladder at a root level within our cells, our bones.
We are shifting our internal world when we receive conscious therapeutic touch & this leads to a collective external stretch for positive change, equity & liberation.