Maya Abdominal Therapy lineage of Dr. Rosita Arvigo
for the Childbearing Years
For fertility,
postpartum care
& beyond
Maya Abdominal Massage for Fertility Supports ::
• Optimal Uterine position for successful pregnancy
• Emotional and Spiritual healing
• Increase in the five systems of flow to all organs ~
blood, lymph, chi (energy), nerve innervation, hormonal harmony
• Egg quality
• Miscarriages
• Pelvic pain and pelvic adhesions
• Scar tissue and inflammation from previous surgeries
Benefits of Prenatal Maya Abdominal Massage ::
• Improved digestion with better absorption of nutrients and elimination of waste
• Improved blood flow to baby and pelvic floor muscles
• Increased circulation of blood and lymph to sacrum
• Relief of pain and discomfort of pregnancy
• Reduced tension and anxiety
• May increase oxytocin receptors for birth
• Decrease congestion due to fluid stasis
• Improved alignment of pelvic bones
• Decreased pain from sciatica or hip misalignment
• Improved potential for sacrum, "magic bone of fertility," to oscillate during labor
• Increased nerve conduction through the sacrum to improve conduction to uterus and cervix
• Heal past traumas due to the window of opportunity provided by relaxin
• Improved craniosacral rhythm like motility
• Protection of uterine ligaments from exaggerated stretching
• Improved fetal positioning for birth; provides baby the optimal easy way out
When to receive Maya Abdominal Massage::
Prior to 20 weeks
(MAT is not recommended.)
Craniosacral + Prenatal Massage Treatments are recommended
20 weeks and after
Maya Abdominal Massage sessions begin at 20 weeks.
During Pregnancy
20 weeks 1x month
28 weeks every 2 weeks
36- 40 weeks 1x per week
40- 42 weeks 2-3x per week
Begins 3- 6 weeks from birth
Recommended to receive a minimum of 1- 2 follow up sessions
Maya Abdominal Massage Supports Labor, Birth & Postpartum
During Labor and Birth
• Increased efficiency of labor from active labor to birth
• Increasing confidence for birth parent by increasing oxytocin
During the Postpartum Period
• Improves healing for diastasis recti
• Involution occurs more efficiently and quicker
Maya Abdominal Massage for Surgical Intervention
• Multidimensional healing for people desiring a Vaginal Birth after a Cesarean birth (VBAC)
• Reducing cesarean birth mark scar tissue & scar tissue in general ; first loving touch to uterine scar
• Spiritual healing for surgical birth, especially in case of emergency and birth trauma
Have Questions? Book a Free 15 minute phone or video consultation.
CST is a benefit to all infants, especially babies experiencing
troubled sleep, nourishing the nervous system
babies who spend many weeks in the same position in utero at the end of pregnancy
breech babies
babies who experience fast birth
babies who experience long birth, fast birth, a long second stage, a fast second stage
babies who were slow to start breathing at birth
cesarean born babies, vacuum birth, forceps born babies
resuscitated infants, intubated infants
babies who sustained birth injuries
laryngoscoped babies
babies with torticollis, plagiocephaly, unresolved sutural overrides
breast/ chest feeding difficulties; latching, tongue thrusters, tongue tie (pre & post laser)
“sensitive babies”
babies with digestive ailments; who spit up, projectile vomit, have reflux, struggle passing gas or
wellness visits & more
How is INNATE TRADITIONS postpartum care different?
Postpartum care, not a luxury, but an ancient humxn tradition standard practice focusing on folk medicine principles ::
Extended Resting period nourishes long term pelvic & hormonal health
Warming Foods warm in nature, simple to digest, nutrient rich food :: during pregnancy & birth digestion is altered. Certain foods refuel & thrive.
Bodywork accesses rest, digest, restore state, boosts birth parent’s immunity. Gives to birth parent, & birth parent has resource to give to babe more freely
Warmth supports oxytocin production, allowing our tissues to expand, in turn assisting blood & lymph flow
Community when birth parent is surrounded by ones they love, resonate with their nervous system is calm/ they feel safe, allowing the processes of healing, bonding & attachment to unfold with ease.
"Proper PHYSICAL CARE in the postpartum period (and in general!), supports our Endocrine System, our Nervous System and our Neurological Systems. In other words: Proper physical care lends to EMOTIONAL HEALTH.
And Likewise, when our EMOTIONAL NEEDS are met—receiving the security, attention, connection, community, acknowledgement that we need, our Immune System and Cardiovascular System are positively affected.
In other words: Tending to our Emotional Health creates Physical Health."
Rachelle Seliga Garcia, one of my mentors; midwifing a cultural shift