Digestive Wellness
parasympathetic tending.
re membering how to be your parasympathetic pal.
regulating nervous system for every day moments
How does pelvic health support vitality?
Most systems move through, are rooted in the pelvis
Nervous system & Endocrine system
Vagus nerve, mind-body reconnection, enhancing vital energy, soothing adrenal glands. Largest piece of vagus nerve bundle is in solar plexus area, working here helps digestion, regulates emotional landscape & inspires purpose path~ the fire to bring your thoughts, dreams, visions, intentions to physical realm.
Parasympathetic Support
Self preservation. Rest Digest Restore state. When we are in this state or when we assist our bodily system to return here aptly after a shock, grief, a traumatic experience, we are more empowered to liberate from a heart centered, home of wisdom, both in our daily routines & in community.
Getting the most of food - optimal absorption of nutrients, energy, fuel, regular bowel movements. An eco system of healthy microorganisms of bacteria, viruses, fungi & parasites is essential for “the second brain,” regulating our emotional body. Additionally, encompassing reproductive health & fluidity~ the cycles of the hormones.
Emotional health
Attending to our emotional body helps to continually connect us to our heartsong. In our bodies, more than half the nerve cells are located in the gut. There are more nerve cells in our bowels, than in our spine. Additionally, neuro transmitters (chemicals) reside in the gut allowing neurons to communicate with one another~ as many in our gut as in the brain. A prime neurotransmitter is serotonin & about 80% will, you guessed it, be found in the gut. The nervous system & gut connection is real.
Organs properly functioning
Affect bleedings cycles, bladder function, prostate health, overall reproductive wellness, fresh fluid flow & creative vitality. Additionally, creating space, reducing adhesion often liberates movement for the digestive organs small & large intestine, stomach, & regulating hormonal flow organ, the liver
Immunity, lymphatic
Boosting the flow, oxygen to cells, debris out of cells, harmonizing ph within the tissues. The lymph system is our filtering system & transports white blood cells to lift immunity enhancing protection against pathogens. Our robust & delicate organs are happy & clear when working properly. And we feel lighter.
Circadian Rhythm
Our internal clock may be reset by therapeutic touch due to accessing the parasympathetic system~ rest, digest, restore state. Increase of oxytocin, dopamine dump that enlivens our hearts & gives a high. Nearly, every tissue & organ in the humxn body has it’s own circadian rhythm.
What does this look like?
subtle manual therapy - non invasive external work
whole body, specific bands of the body
upper and lower abdomen, low back and tailbone
Sessions are for every body. Therapeutic touch & Craniosacral lends a bridge toward embodiment
Specific Rusty Moon Botanicals plant remedies are used in session like Motor Oils (plant infused castor oil), to reduce scar tissue. We’ll review how scar tissue unchecked inhibits mobility, optimal organ alignment, flow of fluids, hormonal harmony, your energetic abdominal constellation & ultimately impacts vitality.
Seasonal medicated & anointing oils applied in session usher in greater ease to untwisting fascial adhesions, bringing flow & greater connectedness between physical & spiritual systems.
FemiMist Ritual sprtizers & FemiMist Ritual roll ons aid in spiritual work by sweeping the room & body when there’s energetic clutter.
My work is intuitive touch. My hands know more than I do & I follow their lead. Often clients report I have a firm touch with gentle
Generally, my touch meets the tension in the system, meanwhile giving honor to what the body is saying. I’m a witness to your process & holding safe space.
In my experience, when giving witness,, the body feels heard, seen. And the body as a storybook once validated releases tension through the onion layers~ emotional, spiritual, physical layers.