Untwist & Be

In Clinic
Integrated Healing Sessions



  • Subtle Bodywork

  • Manual Therapy

  • Craniosacral

  • Maya Abdominal Therapy for~Fertility, Pregrancy, Post-Partum Care

  • Spirit Mending

  • Plant Medicine

60 minutes - $145
90 minutes - $195
120 minutes - $245

Monday, Wednesday, Saturday
Open from 10:30am - 6pm
In Fremont / 4208 Leary Way NW, Seattle, 98107

* Gratuity not included, and is appreciated

All sessions are customized to your needs. They may include bodywork, energy work, mystic spirit mending, supporting mental & emotional body. {we’ll co collaborate your session, or I invite you to turn the session over to me, & I’m happy to create an intuitive session tailored to your needs.} Session focus & intention may be crafted ahead of time, or created in the moment, as intuition guides. To learn more, I offer a 15 free consultation.

What is Subtle Bodywork?

Care for the physical body & increase in self awareness, an ancient E. Indian philosophy. Craniosacral & intra oral CST is subtle body work in that it is a gentle approach to meeting the body & healing/ regulating the parasympathetic nervous system. As is manual therapy~ a light touch way to release fascial tension through visceral manipulation & centering the gentle untwisting of contracted muscles, sticky fascia, bound nerves, stuck bones.

Often I describe my work as subtle bodywork due to centering intuition & understanding my hands know more than I do (brain does). Background in certified bodywork (LMT) & presence in Heart, I tend toward working the physical system gently to notice the in between worlds that bubble up & wish to be recognized or resolved.

What is Intraoral Craniosacral?

Intra- Oral craniosacral is gentle work with gloved finger inside the mouth. Here, the interior of the mouth contains muscles & joints that can affect the tension or ease of the entire body from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet. Because some disharmony may originate from within the oral cavity, CST practitioners positively impact ailments such as tmj, back aches, headaches, migraines & even pelvic pain by gentle contact to release restrictions within the mouth. CST work nourishes the spinal dura mater (the membrane that protects the spinal cord).

What is Maya Abdominal Therapy?

Maya Abdominal Therapy is of the Maya lineage & from schooling of Dr. Rosita in Belize. Her mentors; Don Elijio Panti (one of the last H’men in Central America) & Miss. Hortence Robinson (one of the greatest herbal midwife of our time) influence her work as did naprapathy (basically a combo of ancient chiropractics & phd in massage therapy), & 14 years study with the Nahuatl people. This massage is noninvasive, external work of the upper & lower abdomin, lowback & tailbone. Most known for optimal uterine alignment, it benefits reproductive, digestive & pelvic health. Works along the 5 systems of flow:: scar tissue reduction, nerve innervation, blood & lymph flow, organizing the chi (energy) or chu’el in Mayan language. This work incorporates pelvic steaming, pelvic oiling & Maya self care massage for home with castor oil + heat application.

How do you incorporate Plant Medicine?

Within any session plant medicine may be part of the protocol~ whether it be salvaged botany medicinal plant picked in traditional Maya fashion by calling to the spirit of the plant prior to foraging to ensure the potency of it’s physical actions are present for healing the body. These tincture & decoction remedies are formulated by Dr. Rosita, bought by me direct online & created by me here in Seattle at the plant laboratory.

Additionally, Rusty Moon Botanicals created by me provide pelvic steams, pelvic oiling & Motor Oils (castor oil infusions), decoctions, elixirs, tinctures, oxymels, medicated oils, & FemiMist Ritual spritzers, FemiMist Ritual roll ons for clearing space & body & FemiMist Ritual salt scrubs for transitional seasons to encourage lymph flow & detoxification.

Spirit Mending Menu

This menu needs to be selected
Pelvic Steam

Steams consist of Rusty Moon Botanicals 8 herbal blend & hot water (+ dulse when individual is experiencing fibroids, PCOS, endometriosis, cysts)

Pelvic Steams create a grounding cord, release trauma, encourage micro circulation, guide hormonal harmony, boost moisture, support optimal cervical fluid; esp great for fertility & peri menopause/ menopause, allow old blood to be softened & more easily released in next cycle; esp benefits painful menstrual cycles & more. Receive a steam &/or learn how to set up & prepare your steam for future self care at home.

Pelvic Oiling - Guidance

Pelvic Oiling is a tradtion from Ayurveda. Benefits every body but especially folx who are doshas of vata (air/ether) & pita (water/fire). This is internal oiling of the pelvis with warm oil. Some healing effects are increased circulation, increased awareness of pelvis~ reengage & reclaim, restores & renourishes, hormonal harmony, feel more centered, softened, relaxed. We’ll discuss what oils, how to prepare & perform for oneself as a self care tool for home.

Working with Plant Medicine

Might look like any of these things:: What plants might be of interest/ benefit you. Assisting in creating a garden, alley foraging to transplant in garden, your local neighborhood plant walk~ see what we find. How one might apply plants in their everyday routine. Creating a rhythm both within daily life & seasons. Where to optimally keep plant medicine remedies for shelf life & for the “daily grab,” daily use.

Making Plant Medicine

Boiled down how- to tutorials on creating tinctures, when to create & pour off (decant) & keep, medicinal oils, elixirs, syrups. vinegars, oxymels herbal salts.

Ready to get started?

Do you have more questions?

Email me at heidi@rootdownhealingarts.com
Check out the FAQs
Or set up a free phone consult