Motor Oil Mugwort (Artemisia suksdorfii)
Medicinal plant infused organic castor oil
Motor oils, amplify the action that organic castor oil already provides~ bringing more blood flow to an area & reducing scar tissue.
🌿 Artemisia suksdorfii~ energetically warming, associated with the uterus
General Benefits
• A sedative sleep aid, relieves stress, calms.
• Helps to relieve anger issues - it cools down inner rage
• Cools liver heat and helps relieve inflammation in the digestive system. A bitter herb that stimulates liver and pancreas activity to produce digestive enzymes to break down the food eaten.
• Mineral rich mugwort helps to tonify the digestive system including the gallbladder, keeps things moving through the digestive system and kickstart the elimination of waste. Very helpful for people who are sedentary, mobility challenged, have poor appetite because of chemotherapy, etc.
• Mugwort Magic can transform soil poisoned by chemicals into good fertile soil, by taking in the poisons and transforming them into the basic building blocks of life.
• Removes toxins from the body via the skin. Some hydrotherapy facilities have mugwort baths for people to splash on the body before soaking or receiving a scrub.
• Mugwort makes for some pretty intense dreams! People use mugwort to do dreamwork as it helps a person to have lucid dreams and perhaps deal with emotional issues.
• An emmenagogue, mugwort helps menstrual flow, especially if flow is slow, stagnant.
Specific Support
For Postpartum
supports in postpartum time for uterine healing as the uterus naturally contracts. Supports pelvic healing at all stages
Menstrual Cycle
Optimal menstrual cycle health, reduces heat, painful menstrual cycle
Emotional Body
Benefits the emotional body by working through the subconscious.
Spiritual Body
Associated with moon deity, Artemis the huntress, deer, bow & arrow. When looking at the backside of mugwort, the sagey green hue & soft veins remind one of the moon’s landscape lite from afar.
Be sure to add a heat medium after oil application & massage. Heat amplifies the medicinal quality of the castor oil. A towel or t-shirt between you and heat medium are recommended. If heat medium is an electric pad, avoid falling asleep with it turned on.
Avoid castor oil and heat application over abdomen during menstrual cycle, active fertility & pregnancy
2oz bottle
(topical use)
Handspun with Love
Garden grown & wild foraged locally
Medicinal plant infused organic castor oil
Motor oils, amplify the action that organic castor oil already provides~ bringing more blood flow to an area & reducing scar tissue.
🌿 Artemisia suksdorfii~ energetically warming, associated with the uterus
General Benefits
• A sedative sleep aid, relieves stress, calms.
• Helps to relieve anger issues - it cools down inner rage
• Cools liver heat and helps relieve inflammation in the digestive system. A bitter herb that stimulates liver and pancreas activity to produce digestive enzymes to break down the food eaten.
• Mineral rich mugwort helps to tonify the digestive system including the gallbladder, keeps things moving through the digestive system and kickstart the elimination of waste. Very helpful for people who are sedentary, mobility challenged, have poor appetite because of chemotherapy, etc.
• Mugwort Magic can transform soil poisoned by chemicals into good fertile soil, by taking in the poisons and transforming them into the basic building blocks of life.
• Removes toxins from the body via the skin. Some hydrotherapy facilities have mugwort baths for people to splash on the body before soaking or receiving a scrub.
• Mugwort makes for some pretty intense dreams! People use mugwort to do dreamwork as it helps a person to have lucid dreams and perhaps deal with emotional issues.
• An emmenagogue, mugwort helps menstrual flow, especially if flow is slow, stagnant.
Specific Support
For Postpartum
supports in postpartum time for uterine healing as the uterus naturally contracts. Supports pelvic healing at all stages
Menstrual Cycle
Optimal menstrual cycle health, reduces heat, painful menstrual cycle
Emotional Body
Benefits the emotional body by working through the subconscious.
Spiritual Body
Associated with moon deity, Artemis the huntress, deer, bow & arrow. When looking at the backside of mugwort, the sagey green hue & soft veins remind one of the moon’s landscape lite from afar.
Be sure to add a heat medium after oil application & massage. Heat amplifies the medicinal quality of the castor oil. A towel or t-shirt between you and heat medium are recommended. If heat medium is an electric pad, avoid falling asleep with it turned on.
Avoid castor oil and heat application over abdomen during menstrual cycle, active fertility & pregnancy
2oz bottle
(topical use)
Handspun with Love
Garden grown & wild foraged locally
Medicinal plant infused organic castor oil
Motor oils, amplify the action that organic castor oil already provides~ bringing more blood flow to an area & reducing scar tissue.
🌿 Artemisia suksdorfii~ energetically warming, associated with the uterus
General Benefits
• A sedative sleep aid, relieves stress, calms.
• Helps to relieve anger issues - it cools down inner rage
• Cools liver heat and helps relieve inflammation in the digestive system. A bitter herb that stimulates liver and pancreas activity to produce digestive enzymes to break down the food eaten.
• Mineral rich mugwort helps to tonify the digestive system including the gallbladder, keeps things moving through the digestive system and kickstart the elimination of waste. Very helpful for people who are sedentary, mobility challenged, have poor appetite because of chemotherapy, etc.
• Mugwort Magic can transform soil poisoned by chemicals into good fertile soil, by taking in the poisons and transforming them into the basic building blocks of life.
• Removes toxins from the body via the skin. Some hydrotherapy facilities have mugwort baths for people to splash on the body before soaking or receiving a scrub.
• Mugwort makes for some pretty intense dreams! People use mugwort to do dreamwork as it helps a person to have lucid dreams and perhaps deal with emotional issues.
• An emmenagogue, mugwort helps menstrual flow, especially if flow is slow, stagnant.
Specific Support
For Postpartum
supports in postpartum time for uterine healing as the uterus naturally contracts. Supports pelvic healing at all stages
Menstrual Cycle
Optimal menstrual cycle health, reduces heat, painful menstrual cycle
Emotional Body
Benefits the emotional body by working through the subconscious.
Spiritual Body
Associated with moon deity, Artemis the huntress, deer, bow & arrow. When looking at the backside of mugwort, the sagey green hue & soft veins remind one of the moon’s landscape lite from afar.
Be sure to add a heat medium after oil application & massage. Heat amplifies the medicinal quality of the castor oil. A towel or t-shirt between you and heat medium are recommended. If heat medium is an electric pad, avoid falling asleep with it turned on.
Avoid castor oil and heat application over abdomen during menstrual cycle, active fertility & pregnancy
2oz bottle
(topical use)
Handspun with Love
Garden grown & wild foraged locally