Hi, I’m Heidi
I’m here to help you with anything related to your Pelvic Health!
This can include anything from….
Fertility support
Pregnancy & preparation for labor/ birth
INNATE TRADITIONS Post-partum care
Pain in the pelvis … scar tissue reduction
Trauma held in the pelvis
Nourishing digestion
My approach is …body/spirit/folk/customzed….
Folk medicine that meets your heart & tends your needs
In Fremont / in the Bloom Wellness Building
4208 NW Leary Way, Seattle 98107
Monday, Wednesday, Saturday
In-home treatments on Tuesdays
In Port Orchard / at the Epoch Wellness Center
1805 SE Salmonberry Rd, Port Orchard 98366
In-home treatments on Tuesdays
What can I help you with?
Pelvic health treats specific areas of concern as well as whole-body systems.
Cesarean birth mark scar reduction and related pain
Tight/constricted abdomen
Bladder pain
Uterus is tilted
Uncomfortable cramping in back during bleeding cycle
sex positions hurt/are impossible
frequent constipation
"stage one & two uterine prolapse" + cystocele & rectal prolapse
Bloating around abdomen
feeling sore/tight
chronic pain
trouble sleeping
lower back pain/discomfort
lymphatic drainage post travel
integrating body, mind and soul
to improve overall wellness / energy
pulled muscle
digestive problems
pre & post surgery recovery
breech baby presentation
prenatal TMJ pain
cesarean birth mark scar tissue reduction + unwind adhesions
address tongue~ pre & post procedure
tummy time
fertility support
endometriosis, ovarian cysts
pre-conception/fertility optimization
healing from multiple miscarriages
planning for future conception
postpartum nourishment~ steams, warming therapies, warming foods, rest
Infant Craniosacral, a few benefits ::
for babies with torticollis, plagiocephaly, unresolved sutural overrides
babies with digestive ailments; who spit up, projectile vomit, have reflux, struggle passing gas or stool
troubled sleep, nourishing the nervous system
babies who spend many weeks in the same position in utero at the end of pregnancy
babies who sustained birth injuries
trauma held in my abdominal area
practice having someone touch my abdomen
womb needs some love
What is pelvic health?
Integrated healing sessions that combine
subtle manual therapy, energy, plant medicine, +more
when we tap into our capacity to heal, we inspire collective healing
“I felt waves of energy flowing through and around my body … it made me feel that my body and spirit were truly present and working together with Heidi.”
Set up a free call to learn more
I’ll ask you about the healing support you’re looking for…
then, we can talk over which services will be optimal for you.